As unreal as it might seem but Kuch Kuch Hota Hai has turned 25 today, October 16, as has Karan Johar’s career as a filmmaker. His debut directorial starred Shah Rukh Khan, Kajol, Rani Mukerji and Salman Khan. Apart from the lead cast, the film also featured Anupam Kher, Farida Jalal, Archana Puran Singh, and Himani Shivpuri and also marked the debut of child actor Sana Saeed, who played SRK-Rani’s daughter. Today, Sana is a 35-year-old woman, who still can’t believe that so much time has passed since the release of the film.
“I think only me and Parzaan Dastur (another child star in the film) have grown up. Otherwise, they all are still the same. And they are still such big stars,” Sana told from LA. She added that the film still looks so ‘fresh’ that she cannot believe she was so young.
Recalling her time on the KKHH set, the young actor said how it was an impactful experience, especially at such a young age. Sharing how everyone associated with the film were already stars then but never behaved as such, she mentioned how their hard work impressed her the most.
The actor shared how she was too shy when the film released and would often feel uncomfortable about being called ‘choti Anjali’. “There were times when I was in college and people asked me if I was the same girl, and I would say no. I did not know how to handle that respect and acknowledgement. Also, because I had such a normal upbringing I did not understand how big it was. It was only when I started working again, and people still remembered me as that young child actor, I realised how amazing this journey has been.”
When asked if she had met any of the actors or even Karan Johar recently, Sana Saeed said, “When I did Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa, Karan was a host. Shah Rukh had also come to promote his film on the show. Student of the Year was also from them. I remember calling Shah Rukh ‘uncle’ during the film, I don’t know how would I address him today, Shah Rukh ji or just Shah Rukh (laughs)”.
As we delved deeper into the film, we decided to throw some hypothetical questions at her. What led next was a laugh riot as we imagined the many hilarious situations that could have happened in the film.
What if Tina never died, would Anjali and Rahul meet in their life ever?
Anjali would have a great childhood, which is the most important thing for me. She would get to spend time with her mother. Also, her father really loved Tina so they would have been a happy family. I don’t know if they would ever meet Anjali.
What if Tina never came to college, would little Anjali ever be born?
I think if someone is destined to be born, they would come into this world. I would have been born and been a part of Kuch Kuch Hota Hai anyway. Maybe Anjali and Rahul would have married and named her Junior Anjali. Listen, don’t remove me from this party, I have to be there.
What if Rahul read the letters before his daughter Anjali?
Rahul would have pretended that he never read them and let his daughter do something about his love life. He would have been like I haven’t done anything for years, she would only do something – ‘Let little Anjali do something for me’.
What if Rahul decided to not go to the summer camp? What would have been Anjali’s next move?
I think Anjali would have gotten a tuition teacher, who would have been the elder Anjali. She would have just got home to get to meet Rahul.
What if Aman had chosen to marry Anjali?
I think they would have had a good life. He really loved her and I never felt that he wasn’t a good choice for her. They would have been really happy. Bad luck for that kid she did try hard. Rahul was Anjali’s first love and maybe it was so she chose him but Aman was a good man, and he would have kept her happy.
After all the candidness, we also got Sana Saeed to answer some serious fan queries about the film. Read on…
There were 8 letters written by Tina for Anjali. How did she read those letters as a child?
Honestly, I think that her grandmother read it to her as a child and she started reading it may be from her sixth or seventh birthday. Also, Tina wrote letters according to the age of the child, and her older letters must have about the mother-daughter bond. In my head, I always felt that Dadi read those letters to Anjali because she also went to her to ask for the eighth one.
How did little Anjali imagine the whole flashback (and half of the film), emotions et all at the mere age of 8?
It was because the director would send my mother out of the room and tell me to imagine if I did not have my mom. This is why little Anjali is crying so much in that scene and being emotional. I was just upset thinking that my mother was not with me even when she was sitting in the next room. Also, I was really scared of glycerine. So to avoid using that, or out of fear, I would start crying.
Rahul was toxic to only realise his love after seeing Anjali in a saree, Anjali was toxic to love Rahul even when engaged to Aman. Tina was too toxic to feed so much adult knowledge into her daughter’s mind. Were they really so toxic?
See, I never wrote the script or asked why we did what we did. You guys should ask Karan Johar about it. At that age, I did not even know what toxic meant and thought it was the greatest thing to do. Now that we have the internet to scrutinise everything, people are questioning the film. Otherwise, it was such a beautiful love story.
Why were both Anjalis so hyper, most of the time?
I don’t know if it had something to do with the casting. I am a hyper person in real life. I am always upbeat and happy, it’s like the switch is always on. I don’t know if this was deliberate or it was just me.
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As an 8-year-old, little Anjali became a marriage breaker, emotionally blackmailing Aman to back off. What’s your take on that?
Oh my god, you cannot hold me and the film to today’s society standards (laughs). I did what I felt was good for her father and Anjali.
Shah Rukh Khan, Rani Mukerji and Karan Johar also attended the special fan screening of Kuch Kuch Hota Hai on Sunday evening.
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