Actor Parineeti Chopra and politician Raghav Chadha are all set to get married in Udaipur later this week. The preparations for their big day have begun, including the actor’s Mumbai house getting decorated with lights. A video shared by a paparazzo shows beautiful decorations outside her home.
Check out the video of Parineeti Chopra’s house –
Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha’s wedding invitation surfaced online recently. The wedding will take place in Udaipur’s The Leela Palace, followed by a Bollywood-themed party later. The guests will be welcomed with lunch a day before. The couple’s wedding reception is expected to take place in Chandigarh on September 30. The official wedding details are yet to be shared by the couple.
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Earlier, in an interview with YouTuber Ranveer Allahbadia, Raghav shared his joy of having Parineeti as his life partner. He had said, “It was very magical and a very organic way of meeting. It is something that I thank god every day for, for giving me Parineeti in my life. She is a big blessing and I am extremely happy that I have her as my partner. As I said, I thank god every single day for giving me Parineeti in my life.”
When he was asked about the nationwide celebration of their marriage, the AAP leader said in jest, “I’m happier than the entire country!”
Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha got engaged on May 13 in New Delhi’s Kapurthala House. The function was an intimate affair, marked by the presence of the couple’s close friends and family members, including Priyanka Chopra Jonas, who flew down from the US to be part of the celebration.